
Taking the Scary Part Out of Creating a Successful Image - 5 Tips to Take the Fear Out of Shopping

Black Supra Tk Society, One dark and spooky evening a couple of years ago I ventured into a place that had frightened me for sometime. For months it seemed to call out to me in the dead of night, and mocked me in daylight hours. I couldn\'t take it anymore, it was time to face the chilling abyss head-on... it was time to go into my closet and take an honest look at my wardrobe - every single piece.

Now keep in mind that, like you, I had been building my collection of \"work clothes\" for years and had surely spent a fair amount of money gathering these pieces . . . and they all seemed like a good idea at the time. However, one morning (after changing clothes at least three times trying to find something I felt good about wearing) it hit me like a ton of bricks: I really don\'t like how I look or feel in most of these clothes. It also occurred to me that my clothes seemed to be stuck in some sort of schizophrenic limbo - not quite casual and not quite upper management. I certainly didn\'t feel like they were projecting the \"real me\" or the \"me I aspired to be.\" I knew I had to do something about it. So, on that spooky evening, I went into my closet and threw out every piece that either no longer fit, dated back to high school, could double as a Halloween costume (unless I actually wanted to use it for a Halloween costume), appeared worn out, or made me feel self-conscious for some reason. I kept everything that survived my new criteria.

With that being done, now came the really frightening part, what to do now? How do I put together a lasting wardrobe that I could feel proud of AND reflect the image I want to project? Hmm, good question. Fast forward a few years and endless hours of research and let me share my top tips for men and women:

TIP #1 Confidence attracts confidence.
Research shows that people who are comfortable with their appearance appear more confident. Pair that confidence with Black Supra Tk Society a polished look and solid skills, and you significantly increase your ability to form a more favorable first impression with clients, co-workers and senior management. The truth is, according to Alan Weiss, people are attracted to individuals who appear successful and will somehow improve their current condition (in personal and professional scenarios).

The first thing to do is decide how you want to be perceived, and select pieces that help convey that image. I recommend you dress for the \"next level\" in your career. In other words, if you want to be perceived as a future executive you will likely want to avoid wearing shorts, jeans, micro mini skirts, or Black Supra Tk Society super trendy clothing (like leather pants) to the office or company outings - this helps others \"see\" you Black Supra Tk Society in the role. Next, while shopping, try on each piece before you even look in the mirror and ask yourself how you feel while wearing it. Do you feel like you walk a little taller, appear a little leaner, and generally have a sense of well-being? (Yes, really good clothing that fits well can create these feelings!) If not, put it back on the rack because if you don\'t feel good about it when you\'re in the dressing room then you\'re not going to feel better about it later.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3192286

